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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ Schneider M, 1984. | Id:145 ]


Schneider M E: The relationship among primary representational systems, and counselor empathy, trustworthiness, attractiveness, expertness and subject preference. Dissertation Abstracts International 45(2), 418-A SUNY Buffalo (Order = DA8410589): 110, 1984.

Abstract: Practitioner matching of Primary Representational System (PRS) continues despite inconsistent research into its efficacy and research difficulty in assessing the PRS construct. This dissertation investigated the relationship among subject's primary representational system (PRS) and subjects perception of counselor characteristics and preference for counselor style. The study tests the hypotheses of Richard Bandler and John Grinder concerning matching of PRS as a means of creating rapport and trust and extends the investigation into subject perception of other counselor characteristics. A Sensory Referent Test was developed to identify subject's PRS. Four videotaped stimulus instrument protocols were created using predominantly visual, auditory, kinesthetic and unspecific language. The Betts QMI Vividness of Imagery Questionnaire was used as another sensory referent measure. Female subjects were alternately assigned to one of two female counselors who introduced counseling using four different styles: visual, auditory, kinesthetic and unspecified. Subjects completed criterion measures of counselor attractiveness, expertness, empathy and trustworthiness after each videotape and also chose one style that they preferred most. The design of the study allowed a rigorous investigation of whether significant differences existed regarding matching of subject PRS versus unmatching of subject PRS and mismatching of subject PRS versus unmatching of subject PRS. This study was also designed to determine whether there were interactions among PRS and counselor and PRS and preferred videotape, which would imply that something other than matching, mismatching or unmatching was contributing to differences on dependent measures. A multivariate repeated measures data analysis revealed that no truly significant relationship existed between matching, unmatching and mismatching of PRS as assessed by sensory referents and ratings of counselor trustworthiness, attractiveness, expertness and empathy. A moderate relationship existed between the Sensory referent Test High point code scores and an alternative means of measurements -- the Betts QMI Vividness of Imagery Questionnaire. Suggestions were made for further research into the imagery systems of clients and the development of sensory profiles.

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