Swets J A, Bjork R A: Enhancing human performance: An evaluation of "New Age" techniques considered by the U.S. army.
Psychological Science 1(2): 85-86, 1990.
Abstract: Reviewed conventional technique considered by the US Army for enhancing human performance during a 2-yr study. These techniques included learning during sleep, accelerated learning, improvement of motor skills, alteration of mental states, stress management, influence strategies, group cohesion, and parapsychology. Little or no scientific evidence was found to support the effectiveness of several techniques, including neurolinguistic programming in social influence and such paranormal techniques as remote viewing and psychokinesis. Mixed results characterized other techniques (e.g., group- cohesion procedures). Farther study was suggested for a few, including mental practice of motor skills. Further consideration of mainstream research in the behavioral sciences was recommended as a basis for effective performance enhancement.