Lee Y J: A Comparative Analysis of Consumers' Smart Phone Preferences by NLP Preference Sensation Types.
International Journal of Control and Automation 6(2) - SERSC: 135-142, 2013.
Abstract: This research analyzes the correlation between user’s behavioral patterns based on preferred sensory organs and their preference for smartphones so that smartphone developers may have better idea of which user types to focus on in the future. The result of this research indicated that, in terms of NLP primary preferred sense types, those who prefer Galaxy phones and iPhones did not differ by much in their responses, however; in terms of individual types, 60% of type V preferred iPhone while 65% of type K preferred Galaxy phone. With 60 survey participants composed of Type V whose 60% preferred iPhone and Type K whose 65% preferred Galaxy Phone, this study carried out a factor analysis of the 4 sections, exterior appearance satisfaction, usability satisfaction, service satisfaction and value satisfaction. As a result, it was found that users preferring iPhone showed a higher degree of exterior appearance satisfaction, while user preferring Galaxy Phone showed high degrees above average in all the 4 items.