Khemthong S, Wee B: Integration of Occupational Therapy and Neuro-Linguisting Programming for Thais with Mental Health Experiences.
Bullentin of Chiang Mai Associted Medical Sciences 49(1): 10-16, 2016.
Background: A holistic psychosocial rehabilitation in Thailand remains nowhere and impacting on people with mental health experiences without ability for returning education or employment since they need program evaluation and management in Mental Health Recovery of Occupational Therapy (MHR-OT).
Objective: To compare the outcomes of MHR-OT (composed of OT, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and integrative NLP & OT in Thai clients with mental health experiences or diagnosed chronic psychosis.
Methods: Ten out of 50 clients were volunteering interested in attending MHR-OT program. They had been diagnosed bipolar, depression, eating phobia, or schizophrenia. There were two scales used before and after clients had participated in the 9-week program including cognitive levels of 0 (automatic action) to 6 (planned action) and self-efficacy scales of 1 (None) to 10 (Highest) for doing life activities with happiness. Descriptive and non-parametric statistics were used for data analysis.
Results: After completion of program, both scales were significantly increased. The single NLP improved cognitive ability, but not self-efficacy.
Conclusion: OT &NLP implementation indicates a useful tool for coaching, teaching, and learning for individualmental health experiences to be better improved levels of cognition and self-efficacy.