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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ Abd-Alrahman Ibrahim, 2016. | Id:475 ]


Abd-Alrahman Ibrahim M, Hani B, Al-Aal A, Saleh M: The Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Skills of School Principals in Al-Ramtha District. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 7(2016): 459-476, 2016.

Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the degree of using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Skills of school principals in the Al-Ramtha distric. To achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher prepared and developed a questionnaire that included 33 items distributed into six categories: thinking, recognition, believing, human relationships, problem solving and representative schemes. After testing its validity and reliability, the questionnaire was distributed to the sample of the study, who were 68 male and female principals. Sixty five questionnaires were returned and analyzed. The study revealed the following findings (1): The degree of using Neuro-Linguistic Programming skills by the principals of schools at the Directorate of Al-Ramtha was in the middle degree, and (2) no significant differences at the level of (á = 0.05) were found between the means of the ratings of the participants of the study sample (principals of schools) in the role of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Skills in the leading performance of the principals of schools in Al-Ramtha due to the variables of genders, academic qualification. There are statistically significant differences due to years of experience and in favor of the experience (more than 10 years). The researcher recommends more training courses in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming should be offered to school principals in all the directorates of education.

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