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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ Haynie N, 1982. | Id:78 ]


Haynie N A: Systematic Human Relations Training with Neurolinguistic Programming. Dissertation Abstracts International 43(7), 2286-A University of Georgia (Order = DA8228694): 151, 1982.

Abstract: Systematic Human Relations Training (SHRT: Gazda et al., 1977) was studied in a pretest-posttest control group design that compared the traditional format, SHRT with new materials from Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) concepts, and the control group. Two hundred eighteen undergraduate students in the college of Education at the University of Georgia participated in the study in the fall and winter quarters of 1980-81. Students met in small groups of six to 12 people with a graduate student skilled in teaching interpersonal communication techniques and processes. Each group received the same lesson content based on detailed plans developed by the SHRT trainers. Half of the students received a cognitive learning style exercise as part of the course content. The hypothesis of the study was that the addition of NLP concepts and materials would increase the facilitative skills of undergraduate students in SHRT. The criterion tests were the Index of Responding against the Global Rating Scale of facilitative responding from Gazda (1973). All of the four groups who received SHRT made significant and parallel gains in facilitative communication skill as compared to the control group which received no training. The results also showed that the thirty minute intervention exercise of mapping the students' cognitive learning style was not additive to the training. A less time- consuming exercise for introducing the sensory modalities as a basis for understanding NLP was recommended. NLP did not add nor detract from the training significantly. The students who received the cognitive style mapping and NLP with their SHRT perceived the training as significantly less helpful to them as prospective teachers than did those students who did not receive both interventions. However, the new material was incorporated into significant achievement levels for all of the training groups.

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