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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ 361 - 400 of 639 Entries ]
361Lerner Y, Epshtein B, Ullman S, Malach R (2008)
Class information predicts activation by object fragments in human object areas.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20(7): 1189-1206
362Lewis P A, Critchley H D, Smith A P, Dolan R J (2005)
Brain mechanisms for mood congruent memory facilitation.
Neuroimage 25(4): 1214-1223
363Liberman M B (1984)
The treatment of simple phobias with Neurolinguistic Programming techniques.
Dissertation Abstracts International 45(6), St. Louis University (Pub = AAC8418664): 86
364Liberman N, Förster J (2008)
Expectancy, value and psychological distance: A new look at goal gradients.
Social Cognition 26(5): 515-533
365Lieberman M D (2000)
Intuition: A social cognitive neuroscience approach.
Psychological Bulletin 126(1): 109-137
366Lieberman P (2007)
The Evolution of Human Speech: Its Anatomical and Neural Bases.
Current Anthropology 48(1): 39-66
367Linder-Pelz S (2008)
Meta-coaching: a methodology grounded in psychological theory.
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 6(1): 43-56
368Linder-Pelz S (2014)
Steps towards the Benchmarking of Coaches' Skills.
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 12: 47-62
369Linder-Pelz S, Hall L M (2007)
The theoretical roots of NLP-based coaching.
The Coaching Psychologist 3(1): 12-17
370Littlewood S (2005)
A route less well travelled.
Prof Nurse 20(5): 54-55
371Loftus E F, Palmer J C (1974)
Reconstruction of automobile destruction: An example of the interaction between language and memory.
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 13(5): 585-589
372Loomis M E, Cohen M Z (1984)
A test of the relationship between stress and primary representational systems.
Transactional Analysis Journal 14(1): 80-82
373Lowenstein L F (2009)
Mediation with Separated Parents: Recent Research 2002-2007.
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 50(4) - Routledge: 233-247
374Lund H (1995)
Asthma management: a qualitative research study.
The Health Attractor 1(3) - IASH.
375Lyon S (2005)
Find some inner courage to beat your interview nerves.
Nurs Stand 20(2): 70-71
376Lyons D E, Santos L R, Keil F C (2006)
Reflections of other minds: how primate social cognition can inform the function of mirror neurons.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 16(2): 230-234
377Macdonald L (1997)
Neuro Linguistic Programming as an experiential constructivist therapy for semantic pragmatic disorder.
In France, Jenny, Muir, Niki (Eds.), Communication and the mentally ill patient. Philadelphia, PA, US: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Ltd.
378MacMorran P R (1987)
Brief treatment for disturbing memory: a Neurolinguistic Programming submodality procedure.
Dissertation Abstracts International 48(7), 1710-A (1711-A) University of Tennessee (Order = DA8721287): 90
379Macroy T D (1978)
Linguistic surface structures in family interaction.
Dissertation Abstracts International 40(2), 926-B Utah State University (Order = 7917967): 133
380Macy C M (1987)
Counselor training and supervision: Neurolinguistic Programming as a factor in skills acquisition.
Dissertation Abstracts International 48(10), 2543-A Purdue University (Order = DA8729767): 205
381Mainwaring S, Skinner H (2009)
Reaching donors: neuro-linguistic programming implications for effective charity marketing communications.
The Marketing Review 9: 231-242
382Malloy T E, Mitchell C, Gordon O E (1987)
Training cognitive strategies underlying intelligent problem solving.
Perceptual and Motor Skills 64: 1039-1046
383Mann S, Vrij A, Nasholm E, Warmelink L, Leal S, Forrester D (2012)
The Direction of Deception: Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a Lie Detection Tool.
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 28(1) - Springer Boston: 1-7
384Manuel P (2006)
User Interface Design for Smes and Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Asian Journal of Information Technology 5(2): 199-204
385Manuel P, Demirel O, Gorener R (2003)
Application of eCommerce for SMEs by using NLP principles
Engineering Management Conference, IEMC 2003. Managing Technologically Driven Organizations: The Human Side of Innovation and Change 2003: 470-473
386Marconi M, Do Carmo Blanco N, Zimmer C, Guyon A (2023)
Eye movements in response to different cognitive activities measured by eyetracking: a prospective study on some of the neurolinguistics programming theories.
Journal of Eye Movement Research 16(2): 1-14
387Marrero V, Marrero ML, Oramas A (2005)
La programación neurolingüística (PNL) como método de intervención psicológica para el mejoramiento de la comunicación organizacional Neurolinguistic programming (PNL) as a method of psychological intervention for the organizational communication improvement.
Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 6(2): 41-47
388Martin K A, Hall C R (1995)
Using Mental Imagery to Enhance Intrinsic Motivation.
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 17(1): 54-69
389Masters B J, Rawlins M E, Rawlins L D, Weidner J (1991)
The NLP swish pattern: An innovative visualizing technique.
Journal of Mental Health Counseling 13(1): 79-90
390Mather B D (1983)
The effects of representational system predicates on relaxation.
Dissertation Abstracts International 44(4), 1222-B Ball State University (Pub = AAC8315162): 110
391Mathews M O, Thomasa E, Yeunga A (2009)
Rebuttal paper to ‘Sunflower Therapy for children with specific learning difficulties (dyslexia): A randomised, controlled trial’.
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 15(1): 44-46
392Mathison J (2004)
The Inner Life of Words: an investigation into language in learning and teaching.
PhD thesis, Department of Educational Studies, University of Surrey.
393Mathison J, Tosey P (2008)
Innovations in constructivist research: NLP, psycho-phenomenology and the exploration of inner landscapes.
The Psychotherapist 37: 5-8
394Mathison J, Tosey P (2008)
Riding into Transformative Learning'.
Journal of Consciousness Studies 15(2): 67-88
395Mathison J, Tosey P (2009)
Exploring Moments of Knowing: NLP and Enquiry Into Inner Landscapes.
Journal of Consciousness Studies 16(10-12): 189-216
396Matt G E, Vázquez C, Campbell W K (1992)
Mood-congruent recall of affectively toned stimuli: A meta-analytic review.
Clinical Psychology Review 12(2): 227-255
397Mattar A T (1980)
Primary representational systems as a basis for improved comprehension and communication.
Dissertation Abstracts International 41(8), 3162-B Utah State University (Pub = AAC8104113): 177
398Matthews W J, Kirsch I, Mosher D (1985)
Double hypnotic induction: an initial empirical test.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 94(1): 92-95
399Maurer R E, Tindall J H (1983)
Effect of postural congruence on client's perception of counselor empathy.
Journal of Counseling Psychology 30(2): 158-163
400Mayers K S (1993)
Enhancement of psychological testimony with the use of neurolinguistic programming techniques.
American Journal of Forensic Psychology 11(2): 53-60
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