Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ 601 - 639 of 639 Entries ]
601 | Wake L (2013) It's My Life: A case study exploring the role of the therapy relationship Current Research in NLP 3: 84-94 |
602 | Wake L, Leighton M (2014) Pilot study using Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) in post-combat PTSD. Mental Health Review Journal 19(4): 251-264 |
603 | Wallbott H G (1991) Recognition of emotion from facial expression via imitation? Some indirect evidence for an old theory. British Journal of Social Psychology 30(3): 207-219 |
604 | Walter J, Bayat A (2003) Neurolinguistic programming: verbal communication. BMJ 326(7389): 83 |
605 | Walter J, Bayat A (2003) Neurolinguistic programming: the keys to success. BMJ 326(7398): 165-166 |
606 | Walter J, Bayat A (2003) Neurolinguistic programming: temperament and character types. BMJ 326(7394): 133 |
607 | Walters S R (1983) A comprehensive behavioral treatment for hypertension. Dissertation Abstracts International 45(12): 3925 |
608 | Watkins K E (1997) Invited reaction: Selected alternative training techniques in HRD. Human Resource Development Quarterly 8(4): 295-299 |
609 | Weerth R (1993) NLP & mental imagery II. Junfermann, 155 pp |
610 | Weger U W, Pratt J (2008) Time flies like an arrow: space-time compatibility effects suggest the use of a mental timeline. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 15(2): 426-430 |
612 | Wertheim E H, Habib C, Cumming G (1986) Test of the neurolinguistic programming hypothesis that eye movements relate to processing imagery. Perceptual and Motor Skilled 62(2): 523-529 |
613 | White S (2009) The Status of the Pharmacist. SA Pharmaceutical Journal 76(3): 54-55 |
614 | Wilbur M P, Roberts-Wilbur J (1987) Categorizing sensory reception in four modes: support for representational systems. Perceptual and Motor Skills 64(3Pt1): 875-886 |
615 | Wilimek J F (1979) The use of language representational systems by high and low marital adjustment couples. Dissertation Abstracts International 40(7), 3914-A University of Utah (Order = 8000971): 83 |
616 | Williams L E, Bargh J A (2008) Experiencing Physical Warmth Promotes Interpersonal Warmth. Science 322(5901): 606-607 |
617 | Williams L E, Bargh J A (2008) Keeping one's distance: the influence of spatial distance cues on affect and evaluation. Psychological Science 19(3): 302-308 |
618 | Williams L E, Huang J Y, Bargh J A (2009) The scaffolded mind: Higher mental processes are grounded in early experience of the physical world. European Journal of Social Psychology 39(7): 1257-1267 |
619 | Wirth T, Ober K, Prager G, Vogelsang M, Benson S, Witzke O, Kribben A, Engler H, Schedlowski M (2011) Repeated recall of learned immunosuppression: evidence from rats and men. Brain, Behaviour and Immunity 25(7): 1444-1451 |
620 | Wiseman R, Watt C, ten Brinke L, Porter S, Couper S-L, Rankin C (2012) The Eyes Don't Have It: Lie Detection and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40259 |
621 | Witkowski, Tomasz (2006) The theory and practice of NLP in the eyes of a social psychologist. NAUKA (Warszawa, Poland) 4: 55-71 |
622 | Witkowski, Tomasz (2010) Thirty-Five Years of Research on Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP Research Data Base. State of the Art or Pseudoscientific Decoration? Polish Psychological Bulletin 41(2): 58-66 |
623 | Witt K (2003) Psycological Treatment Can Modulate the Skin Reaction to Histamine in Pollen Allergic Humans. Psychosomatics 4: 33-37 |
624 | Witt K (2008) Neuro-Linguistic-Psychotherapy (NLPt) treatment can modulate the reaction in pollen allergic humans and their state of health. International Journal of Psychotherapy 12(1): 50-60 |
625 | Wohldmann E L, Healy A F, Bourne L E (2007) Pushing the limits of imagination: mental practice for learning sequences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33(1): 254-261 |
626 | Wong E Y N (1981) A validation study of nonverbal eye pattern strategies related to language and therapeutic processes. Dissertation Abstracts International 42(11): 4729 |
627 | Wood J A (2006) NLP revisited: nonverbal communications and signals of trustworthiness. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management 26(2): 197-204 |
628 | Woods M D, Martin D (1984) The work of virginia satir: Understanding her theory and technique. The American Journal of Family Therapy 12(4) - Routledge: 3-11 |
629 | Wright L A, Horstmann L, Holmes E A, Bisson J I (2021) Consolidation/reconsolidation therapies for the prevention and treatment of PTSD and re-experiencing: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Translational Psychiatry 11(453): 2-14 |
630 | Wymbs N F, Bassett D S, Mucha P J, Porter M A, Grafton S T (2012) Differential Recruitment of the Sensorimotor Putamen and Frontoparietal Cortex during Motor Chunking in Humans. Neuron 74(5): 936-946 |
631 | Yapko M D (1981) The effect of matching primary representational system predicates on hypnotic relaxation. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 23: 169-175. |
632 | Yapko M D (1981) Neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, and interpersonal influence. Dissertation Abstracts International 41(8-B): 3204 |
633 | Yapko M D (1984) Implications of the Ericksonian and Neurolinguistic programming approaches for responsibility of therapeutic outcomes. Am J Clin Hypn 27(2): 137-143 |
634 | Yeatman J D, Rauschecker A M, Wandell B A (2013) Anatomy of the visual word form area: Adjacent cortical circuits and long-range white matter connections. Brain and Language 125(2): 146-155 |
635 | Young G (2004) Hypnotically-facilitated Intervention of Epileptic Seizures: A Case Study. Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis 25(1): 1-11 |
636 | Young J A (1995) Developing leadership from within: A descriptive study of the use of neurolinguistic programming practices in a course on leadership. Dissertation Abstracts International 56(1-A), Humanities and Social Sciences: 0080 |
637 | Zaharia C, Reiner M, Schütz P (2015) EVIDENCE-BASED NEURO LINGUISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY: A META-ANALYSIS. Psychiatria Danubina 27(4): 355-363 |
638 | Zechmeister E (2003) Zur Wirkung von NLP auf Leistung und Motivation von Volksschulkindern. Dissertation, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck |
639 | Zeuch A (2002) Musiktherapie und NLP. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 13(1) - Hogrefe: 7-15 |