Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ 401 - 440 of 639 Entries ]
401 | McCabe D (1985) Meeting language needs of all types of learners. Academic Therapy 20(5): 563-567 |
402 | McClendon T L (2019) Using a Behavioral Model of Excellence to Improve Organizational Performance: Benefits and Pitfalls. Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy 22(1): 3-10 |
403 | Melvin K B, Miller H L (1988) Anchoring: Panacea or placebo? Phobia Practice & Research Journal 1(2): 153-158 |
404 | Mercier M A, Johnson M (1984) Representational system predicate use and convergence in counseling: Gloria revisited. Journal of Counseling Psychology 31(2): 161-169 |
405 | Miftakhurozaq M (2018) Implementasi Metode Hypnoteaching dalam Pembelajaran PAI. TA'ALLUM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 6(1): 83-104 |
406 | Mikulincer M, Hirschberger G, Nachmias O, Gillath O (2001) The affective component of the secure base schema: Affective priming with representations of attachment security. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81(2): 305-321 |
407 | Moine D J (1981) A psycholinguistic study of the patterns of persuasion used by successful salespeople. Dissertation Abstracts International 42(5), 2135-B University of Oregon (Order = 8123499): 271 |
408 | Monguio Vencino I, Lippman L G (1987) Image formation as related to visual fixation point. Journal of Mental Imagery 11(1): 87-96 |
409 | Moore B, Mischel W, Zeiss A (1976) Comparative effects of the reward stimulus and its cognitive representation in voluntary delay. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 34(3): 419-424 |
410 | Mufliharsi R, Candra E N (2018) The Exploring Participation in Neuro-Linguistic Programming : Teacher and Senior High School Students' Perceptions [Eksplorasi Partisipasi dalam Neuro-Linguistic Programming : Perspepsi Guru dan Siswa SMA. Proceeding of Community Development Volume 2(2018): 788-798 |
411 | Munaker S (1997) The great aha! a path to transformation. Dissertation Abstracts International 57(11-A), Humanities and Social Sciences: 4823 |
412 | Murray L L (2013) Limited evidence that neurolinguistic programming improves health-related outcomes. Evidence-based mental health 16(3): 79 |
413 | Murray P E, Brown N, Murray S (2002) Deconstructing Sustainability Literacy: The Cornerstone of Education for Sustainability? The Role of Values. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability 2(7): 83-92 |
414 | Muss D C (1991) A new technique for treating post-traumatic stress disorder. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 30(1): 91-92 |
415 | Muss D C (2002) The rewind technique in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: Methods and applications. In: C. R. Figley (Ed.), Brief treatments for the traumatized: A project of the Green Cross Foundation (pp. 306-314). Greenwood Press/Greenwood Publishing Group |
416 | Nancarrow C, Moskvin A, Shankar A (1996) Bridging the great divide - the transfer of techniques. Marketing Intelligence & Planning 14(6) - MCB UP Ltd: 27-37 |
417 | Nancarrow C, Penn S (1998) Rapport in telemarketing - mirror, mirror on the call? Marketing Intelligence & Planning 16(1) - MCB UP Ltd: 12-21 |
418 | Naurazbaeva Y V, Shesternina M V, Kasimova E R (2015) THE MODEL OF MANAGEMENT OF THE INTERNAL MARKETING OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTE. Modern Research of Social Problems 10(54): 519-537 |
419 | Neidenthal P M, Brauer M, Halberstadt J B, Innes-Ker Å H (2001) When did her smile drop? Facial mimicry and the influences of emotional state on the detection of change in emotional expression. Cognition and Emotion 15(6): 853-864 |
420 | Nelson T S, Trepper T S (1993) 101 interventions in family therapy. Haworth marriage and the family. New York, England: Haworth Press, Inc |
421 | Neumann M, Bensing J, Mercer S, Ernstmann N, Ommen O, Pfaff H (2009) Analyzing the "nature" and "specific effectiveness" of clinical empathy: a theoretical overview and contribution towards a theory-based research agenda. Patient Education and Counseling 74(3): 339-346 |
422 | Newton E L (1981) The effect of verbal pacing on self-disclosure and trust of interviewer. Dissertation Abstracts International 42(4): 1615 |
423 | Niedenthal P M, Barsalou L W, Winkielman P, Krauth-Gruber S, Ric F (2005) Embodiment in attitudes, social perception, and emotion. Personality and Social Psychology Review 9(3): 184-211 |
424 | Niedenthal P M, Winkielman P, Mondillon L, Vermeulen N (2009) Embodiment of emotion concepts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 96(6): 1120-1136 |
425 | Nigro G, Neisser U (1983) Point of view in personal memories. Cognitive Psychology 15(4): 467-482 |
426 | Nixon S, Vickerman P, Maynard C (2010) Teacher immediacy: reflections on a peer review of teaching scheme. Journal of Further and Higher Education 34(4): 491-502 |
427 | Nompo R S, Pragholapat A, Thome A L (2021) Effect of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) on Anxiety: A Systematic Literature Review. KnE Life Sciences 6(1): 496-507 |
428 | Norcross J C, Alford B A, DeMichele J T (1992) The future of psychotherapy: Delphi data and concluding observations. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 29(1): 150-158 |
429 | Norcross J C, Hedges M, Prochaska J O (2002) The face of 2010: A Delphi poll on the future of psychotherapy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 33(3): 316-322 |
430 | Norcross J C, Koocher G P, Garofalo A (2006) Discredited Psychological Treatments and Tests: A Delphi Poll. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 37(5): 515-522 |
431 | Norcross J C, Prochaska J O (1983) Psychotherapists in independent practice: Some findings and issues. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 14(6): 869-881 |
432 | Notz W W (1975) Work motivation and the negative effects of extrinsic rewards: A review with implications for theory and practice. American Psychologist 30(9): 884-891 |
433 | Nousala S, John S, Jamsai S (2005) Tacit Knowledge Strategies and Implementation in Complex Organisations: A Thai Engineering Company Case Study. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 5(5): 177-182 |
434 | Öhman A, Eriksson A, Olofsson C (1975) One-Trial Learning and Superior Resistance to Extinction of Autonomic Responses Conditioned to Potentially Phobic Stimuli. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 88(2): 619-627 |
435 | Öhman A, Fredrikson M, Hugdahl K, Rimmö P A (1976) The premise of equipotentiality in human classical conditioning: Conditioned electrodermal responses to potentially phobic stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 105(4): 313-337 |
436 | Otto G (2006) Applied Kinesiology and Legasthenie. Erfahrungsheilkunde 55: 186-191 |
437 | Ouellet M, Santiago J, Funes M J, Lupiáñez J (2010) Thinking about the future moves attention to the right. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 36(1): 17-24 |
438 | Owens L F (1977) An investigation of eye movements and representational systems. Dissertation Abstracts International 38(10), 4992-B Ball State University (Order = 7803828): 158 |
439 | Pacheco-López G, Niemi M B, Kou W, Härting M, Fandrey J, Schedlowski M (2005) Neural substrates for behaviorally conditioned immunosuppression in the rat. Journal of Neuroscience 25(9): 2330-2337 |
440 | Palubeckas A J (1981) Rapport in the therapeutic relationship and its relationship to pacing. Dissertation Abstracts International 42(6), 2543-B (2544-B) Boston University School of Education (Order = 8126743): 127 |