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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ 41 - 80 of 639 Entries ]
41Barnett E A (1990)
The contribution and influence of neurolinguistic programming on analytical hypnotherapy.
Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis 11(1): 1-14
42Baumeister R F, Heatherton T F (1996)
Self-Regulation Failure: An Overview.
Psychological Inquiry 7(1): 1-15
43Beale R P (1980)
The testing of a model for the representation of consciousness.
Dissertation Abstracts International 41(9), 3565-B (2566-B) The Fielding Institute (Order = 8106799): 126
44Beaver R (1989)
Neuro-linguistic programme as practised by an educational psychologist.
Association of Educational Psychologists Journal 5(2): 87-90
45Beck C E, Beck E A (1984)
Test of the eye movement hypothesis of Neurolinguistic Programming: a rebuttal of conclusions.
Perceptual and Motor Skills 58(1): 175-176
46Beeman M, Friedman R B, Grafman J, Perez E, Diamond S, Lindsay M B (1994)
Summation priming and coarse semantic coding in the right hemisphere.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 6(1): 26-45
47Bell A H, Meredith M A, Van Opstal A J, Munoz D P (2005)
Crossmodal integration in the primate superior colliculus underlying the preparation and initiation of saccadic eye movements.
Neurophysiology 93(6): 3659-3673
48Bergman R A (1989)
The therapist's and clients' perspectives of mental imagery interventions in psychotherapy.
Dissertation Abstracts International 50(6), 1597
49Bertoli J M (2002)
The use of neuro-linguistic programming and emotionally focused therapy with divorcing couples in crisis.
Brief treatments for the traumatized. Westport, CT, US Greenwood Press/Greenwood Publishing Group Inc
50Beyerstein B L (1990)
Brainscams: Neuromythologies of the New Age.
International Journal of Mental Health 19(3): 27-36
51Bigley J, Griffiths P D, Prydderch A, Romanowski C A J, Miles L, Lidiard H, Hoggard N (2010)
Neurolinguistic programming used to reduce the need for anaesthesia in claustrophobic patients undergoing MRI.
The British Journal of Radiology 83(986): 113-117
52Billups A J (1983)
Representational system congruence (predicate matching) as a dimension of interpersonal impact.
Dissertation Abstracts International 44(11), 3517-B Virginia Consortium for Professional Psychology, Old Dominion University (Pub = AAC8404350): 115
53Birholtz L S (1981)
Neurolinguistic Programming: testing some basic assumptions.
Dissertation Abstracts International 42(5), 2042-B The Fielding Institute (Pub = AAC8118324): 131
54Biswal R, Awasthy S, Kumar U, Pradhan R (2005)
NLP: The Art and Science of Achieving Goals.
International Journal of Mental Health 19(3): 27-36
55Blanchard R J, Blanchard D C, Takahashi T, Kelley M J (1977)
Attack and defensive behaviour in the albino rat.
Animal Behaviour 25(3): 622-634
56Blaskova M, Blasko R, Matuska E, Rosak-Szyrocka J (2015)
Development of Key Competences of University Teachers and Managers.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 182: 187-196
57Bliemeister J (1987)
An empirical test of basic assumptions of NLP.
Integrative Therapie 13 (4): 397-406
58Bliemeister J (1988)
An empirical test of theoretical constructs essential to NLP.
Zeitschrift fuer Klinische Psychologie (Hogrefe Verlag) 17 (1): 21-30
59Boden C, Giaschi D (2007)
M-Stream Deficits and Reading-Related Visual Processes in Developmental Dyslexia.
Psychological Bulletin 133(2): 346-366
60Bohn S (2004)
NLP in medical consultation - theory, practical experience and implications.
Dissertation Abstracts, Universität zu Köln
61Bohns V K, Wiltermuth S S (2012)
It hurts when I do this (or you do that): Posture and pain tolerance.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48(1): 341-345
62Bolstad R (2002)
Resolve: A new model of therapy.
Crown House Publishing Ltd
63Bone M B, St-Laurent M, Dang C, McQuiggan D A, Ryan J D, Buchsbaum B R (2018)
Eye Movement Reinstatement and Neural Reactivation During Mental Imagery.
Cerebral Cortex, 2018: 1-15
64Boroditsky L, Gaby A (2010)
Remembrances of Times East: Absolute Spatial Representations of Time in an Australian Aboriginal Community.
Psychological Science 21(11): 1635-1639
65Botzum G D (1984)
Therapeutic suggestion: the effects of metaphor on self-disclosure.
Dissertation Abstracts International 45(11): 3612
66Bovbjerg K M (2011)
Personal Development under Market Conditions: NLP and the Emergence of an Ethics of Sensitivity Based on the Idea of the Hidden Potential of the Individual.
Journal of Contemporary Religion 26(2): 189-205
67Bowers J S (2002)
Challenging the widespread assumption that connectionism and distributed representations go hand-in-hand.
Dissertation Abstracts International 56(11-B), The Sciences and Engineering: 6379
68Bowers L A (1996)
An exploration of holistic and nontraditional healing methods including research in the use of neuro-linguistic programming in the adjunctive treatment of acute pain.
Dissertation Abstracts International 56(11-B), The Sciences and Engineering: 6379
69Bradley E, Biedermann H-J (1985)
Bandler and Grinder's neurolinguistic programming: Its historical context and contribution.
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 22(1): 59-62
70Braganza D J, Piedmont R L, Fox J, Fialkowski G M, Gray R M (2019)
Examining the Clinical Efficacy of Core Transformation: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Journal of Counseling & Development 97(3): 293-305
71Brandis A D (1986)
A neurolinguistic treatment for reducing parental anger responses and creating more resourceful behavioral options.
Dissertation Abstracts International 47(11), 4642-B California School of Professional Psychology (Order = DA8626141): 161
72Brengle E Q (1979)
Preference for sensory modality of mental imagery and its relationship to stress reduction using a systematic desensitization technique.
Dissertation Abstracts International 40(4), 1878-B Wayne State University: 128
73Bridoux D, Weaver M (2000)
Neuro-linguistic psychotherapy.
In Davies, Dominic, Neal, Charles (Eds.): Therapeutic perspectives on working with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients. Buckingham, England: Open University Press.
74Brockman W P (1980)
Empathy revisited: the effects of representational system matching on certain counseling process and outcome variables.
Dissertation Abstracts International 41(8), 3421-A College of William and Mary (Order = 8103591): 167
75Brockopp D Y (1983)
What is NLP (neurolinguistic programming)?
Taehan Kanho 22(5): 48-49
76Brown N (2002)
Meta programme patterns in accounting educators at a UK business school.
Accounting Education 11(1) - Routledge: 79-91
77Brown N (2004)
What makes a good educator? The relevance of meta programmes.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 29(5): 515-533
78Buchanan D R, Little D (1983)
Neuro-linguistic programming and psychodrama: Theoretical and clinical similarities.
Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry 36(3): 114-122
79Buckner M, Meara N M, Reese E J, Reese M (1987)
Eye movement as an indicator of sensory components in thought.
Journal of Counseling Psychology 34(3): 283-287
80Budiman A, Frankovsky M, Birknerova Z, Benkova E, Rajiani I (2018)
Identification of attributes of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) structure with the focus on communication and techniques of its implementation in managerial work.
Polish Journal of Management Studies 17(2): 41-51
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