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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ 1 - 40 of 639 Entries ]
1Abd-Alrahman Ibrahim M, Hani B, Al-Aal A, Saleh M (2016)
The Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Skills of School Principals in Al-Ramtha District.
Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 7(2016): 459-476
2Abramowitz E G, Lichtenberg P (2009)
Hypnotherapeutic Olfactory Conditioning (HOC): Case Studies of Needle Phobia, Panic Disorder, and Combat-Induced PTSD.
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 57(2) - Routledge: 184-197
3Acosta J K, Levenson R L (2002)
Observations from Ground Zero at the World Trade Center in New York city, part II: Theoretical and clinical considerations.
International Journal of Emergency Mental Health 4(2): 119-126
4Adank P, Hagoort P, Bekkering H (2010)
Imitation Improves Language Comprehension.
Psychological Science 21(12): 1903-1909
5Ader R (1989)
Conditioned immune responses and pharmacotherapy.
Arthritis & Rheumatologie 2(3): A58-A64
6Ader R, Cohen N (1975)
Behaviorally conditioned immunosuppression.
Psychosomatic Medicine 37(4): 333-340.
7Aghakhani S, Bahari F, Iums I (2018)
The Effectiveness of Nerve Planning Group-Languages Cognitive Expectancy and Quality of Life for Children With Cancer.
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry & Clinical Psychology 24(3): 256-269
8Agne R R (2007)
Reframing practices in moral conflict: interaction problems in the negotiation standoff at Waco.
Discourse & Society 18(5): 549-578
9Ahmad K (2011)
The New Age Complimenting the Digital Age: Using Hypnosis, NLP and Time Line TherapyTM Techniques to Reduce Negative Emotions among People Involved With Information Technology.
Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management (2011): 1-8
10Ahmad K (2013)
Lying Eyes: The Truth about NLP Eye Patterns and Their Relationship with Academic Performance in Business and Management Studies (MBA).
International Journal of Business and Management 8(23): 67-75
11Akbarzade B, Ahar S, Dadashzade M (2017)
Effect of Neuro-Linguistic Programming on Mental Toughness in Veteran and Disabled Athletes.
Iranian Journal of War and Public Health 9(2): 57-62
12Akbarzadeh B, Vaezmousavi S M K, Zareian E (2018)
Effect of Training Neuro-linguistic Programming Strategies on Self-efficiency, Sport Self-confidence, and Performance of Athletes with Disabilities and Veterans.
Iranian Journal of War & Public Health 10(2): 53-59
13Al Farah J, Bawalsah J, Al Khateeb B (2016)
The Effectiveness of a Program Based on (NLP) in the Development of Social Communication for the Gifted Sixth Grade Students in Amman.
International Journal of Education 8(1): 162-180
14Alder H (1992)
A Model for Personal Success
Management Decision 30(3) - MCB UP Ltd
15Alder H (1992)
NLP: Managing a Creative Revolution.
Creativity and Innovation Management 1(3): 154-159
16Aldridge J W, Berridge K C (1998)
Coding of Serial Order by Neostriatal Neurons: A "Natural Action" Approach to Movement Sequence.
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (7): 2777-2787
17Allan F, Bourne J, Bouch D, Churches R, Dennison J, Evans J, Fowler J, Jeffers A, Prior E, Rhodes L (2012)
Training in influencing skills from neuro-linguistic programming (modelled from hypnosis and family therapy), in combination with innovative more collaborative maths pedagogy, raises maths attainment in adult numeracy learners.
Online Submission, Paper presented at the International NLP Research Conference (3rd, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, Jul 6-7, 2012)
18Allen K L (1982)
An investigation of the effectiveness of Neurolinguistic Programming procedures in treating snake phobics.
Dissertation Abstracts International 43(3), 861-B University of Missouri at Kansas City (Pub = AAC8216956): 76
19Allen W (2002)
Coaching amateur athletes: From frozen to fearless.
In Grodzki, Lynn (Ed.), The new private practice: Therapist-coaches share stories, strategies, and advice. New York US: W. W. Norton & Co Inc
20Alroudhan H E (2018)
The Effect of Neuro-linguistic Programming Coaching on Learning English.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 7(4): 184-190
21Anderson E C, Loades M, Starbuck J, Parker P, Finch F, Barnes R, Beasant L, Crawley E (2021)
CBT repackaged or a novel treatment? The Lightning Process compared with UK specialist medical care for paediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 9(2): 79-98
22Andreas C, Andreas S (1982)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A new technology for training.
Performance & Instruction 21(5): 37-39
23Andreas C, Andreas T (2009)
Aligning Perceptual Positions: A new distinction in NLP.
Journal of Consciousness Studies 16(10-12): 217-230
24Appel P R (1983)
Matching of representational systems and interpersonal attraction.
Dissertation Abstracts International 43(9), 3021-B United States International University (Pub = AAC8301835): 192
25Argentino D A (2014)
Using the alignment therapist perceptual positions within the individual psychotherapeutic link.
Calidad de Vida y Salud 7(1): 1-3
26Armstrong D F, Stokoe W C, Wilcox S E (1994)
Signs of the Origin of Syntax.
Current Anthropology 35(4): 349-368
27Arrigo B (1998)
A hermeneutic-phenomenological investigation of the process of changing limiting beliefs about the self in reimprinting.
Dissertation Abstracts International 59(6-B), Section B The Sciences and Engineering: 3045
28Arroll B, Henwood S M, Sundram F I, Kingsford D W, Mount V, Humm S P, Wallace H B, Pillai A (2017)
A brief treatment for fear of heights: A randomized controlled trial of a novel imaginal intervention.
The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 52(1): 21-33
29Asbell H C (1983)
Effects of reflection, probe, and predicate matching on perceived counselor characteristics (psychotherapy, interpersonal attraction, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)).
Dissertation Abstracts International 44(11), 3515-B University of Missouri at Kansas City (Pub = AAC8404790): 115
30Assalia M, Al-Banna A (2011)
Effectiveness of A Program in Neuro Linguistic Programming to Reduce a Future Anxiety among the Students of Al- Aqsa University, Affiliated with the Palestinian Organizations at Gaza Governorates.
An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities 25(5): 1119-1158
31Atwater J M (1983)
Differential effects of interventions from the Neurolinguistic Programming meta-model and general systems in early psychotherapy.
Dissertation Abstracts International 44(9), 2887-B (2888-B) Texas A & M University (Pub = DA8329895): 88
32Ayduk Ö, Kross E (2010)
From a distance: Implications of spontaneous self-distancing for adaptive self-reflection.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 98(5): 809-829
33Aziz-Zadeh L, Ivry R B (2009)
The Human Mirror Neuron System and Embodied Representations.
Progress in Motor Control 629: 355-376
34Baab K J (1992)
Neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis during intervention with substance-abusing adolescents.
In Lawson G W, Lawson A W (Eds.), Adolescent substance abuse: Etiology, treatment, and prevention. Gaithersburg, MD, US: Aspen Publishers, Inc
35Bacon S C (1983)
Neurolinguistic Programming and psychosomatic illness: a study of the effects of reframing on headache pain.
Dissertation Abstracts International 44(7), 2233-B University of Montana (Pub = DA8326959): 110
36Baddeley M (1989)
Neurolinguistic programming: The academic verdict so far.
Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis 10(2): 73-81
37Baddeley M (1992)
The use of hypnosis in marriage and relationship counselling.
Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis 13(2): 87-92
38Baddeley M, Predebon J (1991)
"Do the eyes have it?": A test of neurolinguistic programming's eye movement hypothesis.
Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis 12(1): 1-23
39Bagher Kajbaf M, Moghaddas M, Aghaei A (2012)
The Effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming on Marital Adjustment.
Knowledge & Research in Applied Psychology 12(4): 30-39
40Bargh J A, Chen M, Burrows L (1996)
Automaticity of social behavior: direct effects of trait construct and stereotype-activation on action.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 71(2): 230-244
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